Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring 2008

Spring 2008 has been damp and cool. We have not been able to get a jump start on the growing season like we were fortunate to do last year, but things are growing anyway! : ) Here is a picture of some parsley that came back from last year's seed. yummy!

This summer, our senior RoseBros (Luke) plans to make weekly updates to the blog. He will include information such as *what was recently planted, *what is sprouting/growing, *what is almost ripe, *recipes, *pictures, and *other farm products for sale. Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see listed on the blog.
Planted as of today are onions, swiss chard, beets, radishes, leeks and peas. Tomorrow will (hopefully!) be a big planting day with 4 types of carrots, more beets (yes, we *love* our beets), more peas, turnips, rutabagas, more radishes, and kohlrabi planning to go in the ground. Hopefully the sun stays out and the ground continues to dry. This weekend we plan to get some greenhouse starters going.

Thank you for your interest in the RoseBros Gardens!
: ) ~ the RoseBros Mom

Monday, April 28, 2008

the 2008 garden

Welcome to the Rose Bros. Garden, 2008

The blog did not get used last summer as we thought it would. Mom had tennis elbow and us boys were busy in the garden.

We had a great growing season, though. We have added some pictures of our harvests and deliveries from last summer.